– a splattering of my thoughts.

Last year I was browsing Hacker News ( and I came across this post. It’s about an open source Rust project called Bore.

Bore is a modern, simple TCP tunnel in Rust that exposes local ports to a remote server, bypassing standard NAT connection firewalls. That’s all it does: no more, and no less.

bore/ at main · ekzhang/bore (

If you are not aware of what a TCP tunnel like Bore is, the basic gist of it is you can expose a service running on your local system to the internet relatively easy by creating a “tunnel” between your machine and (in this case) a Bore server. Here is how that would look for those visual learners:

Bore is actually really simple to use, just install it and run:

bore local <local_port> --to <bore_server>

And that’s it. After that you’re service is exposed and accessible via the internet. Now, conveniently Bore is already running a server that you can tunnel your local services too: With that, you don’t even need to run your own Bore server, just connect your local service to and connect away.

But with being public, anyone can just run a port scan to see all the services running on the server. So I did just that.

[user@server ~]# nmap -p 1024-65535
Starting Nmap 7.91 ( ) at 2023-05-24 00:28 UTC
NmNmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.00045s latency).
Not shown: 64441 closed ports
1338/tcp  open  wmc-log-svc
1342/tcp  open  esbroker
2515/tcp  open  facsys-router
3000/tcp  open  ppp
3799/tcp  open  radius-dynauth
5353/tcp  open  mdns
5354/tcp  open  mdnsresponder
6067/tcp  open  unknown
6603/tcp  open  unknown
7117/tcp  open  rothaga
7129/tcp  open  scenccs
7177/tcp  open  unknown
7351/tcp  open  swx
7835/tcp  open  unknown
8000/tcp  open  http-alt
8080/tcp  open  http-proxy
9469/tcp  open  unknown
9999/tcp  open  abyss
10466/tcp open  unknown
11205/tcp open  unknown
11784/tcp open  unknown
12127/tcp open  unknown
12150/tcp open  unknown
12396/tcp open  unknown
12397/tcp open  unknown
12699/tcp open  unknown
13473/tcp open  unknown
13953/tcp open  unknown
16580/tcp open  unknown
17199/tcp open  unknown
17400/tcp open  unknown
18010/tcp open  unknown
18892/tcp open  unknown
19415/tcp open  unknown
19519/tcp open  unknown
20206/tcp open  unknown
21489/tcp open  unknown
24237/tcp open  unknown
27489/tcp open  unknown
29255/tcp open  unknown
31063/tcp open  unknown
31202/tcp open  unknown
32751/tcp open  unknown
33120/tcp open  unknown
34281/tcp open  unknown
35008/tcp open  unknown
37318/tcp open  unknown
37899/tcp open  unknown
38804/tcp open  unknown
39195/tcp open  unknown
41040/tcp open  unknown
41558/tcp open  unknown
43500/tcp open  unknown
44016/tcp open  unknown
44423/tcp open  unknown
44424/tcp open  unknown
44788/tcp open  unknown
47474/tcp open  unknown
47989/tcp open  unknown
49909/tcp open  unknown
53668/tcp open  unknown
55833/tcp open  unknown
59182/tcp open  unknown
60050/tcp open  unknown
60207/tcp open  unknown
60283/tcp open  unknown
60561/tcp open  unknown
62962/tcp open  unknown
63177/tcp open  unknown
64067/tcp open  unknown
64531/tcp open  unknown

I just did a quick port scan to see what ports are open running a service. And I actually discovered something pretty interesting, most of the open ports between 10466 – 64531 are running a leaked version of NovelAI. I went around digging for a couple minutes and found the following Reddit post (possibly NSFW?). That post links to a Google Collab page that gives instructions on how to run your own instance of NovelAI and expose it using I have to assume that this is why there are so many instances running? I don’t know. I haven’t really gotten around to checking out the ports 1338 – 9999 but plan to shortly after this blog post.

I’ve had this fascination with just checking out what people are running with Bore since discovering it. I’ve seen people running phishing websites and have seen others discover C2 nodes being run with on it. It has me wondering about the personal liability of the individual running the server. Are they responsible is CSAM is accessible through their server? Or if a hacking group uses it as their C2 node? Probably something I need to learn more about.

That’s all for now. Thanks!

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